Tree Talks

Bad Trees | Trees You Should Never Plant in Your Yard

Written by Marketing Dispensary KC | Aug 17, 2018 7:06:00 PM

Top Trees You Should Never Plant in Your Yard

Bad trees? What do you mean you can plant “bad trees”? Seems like an odd statement, right? While it may seem odd at first, it is actually an important thing to know. It makes a big difference to know the which plants/trees to plant and which ones not to plant.

Some can develop into a much bigger hassle than they are worth. If you are considering planting a new tree, be sure that is not one of the species below. These are the ones we are labeling as our top worst trees to plant in Kansas City.

Fragile Trees – Trees like the Bradford Pear, Mimosa, or Cottonwood may be aesthetically pleasing and require low maintenance. However, they are more fragile than may be worth your hassle. These tree species are a potential risk factor. This is because their limbs are likely to break or even completely fall away from the tree. Even with regular maintenance, these still pose higher than normal risks.

Dingey Droppers – A lot of trees, for good reason, produce pollen, seeds, and fruits. While this tree can occasionally be harvested, it isn’t always nice to your lawn or home. The Sweetgum is an example of one of these trees. While they produce a colorful display and beautiful display, they drop spiky fruits that are hard to remove. Two more examples of 'Dingey Dropper' trees are the female Ginko Biloba and the Black Walnut. They also are a nuisance and produce hard to remove fruit. The Black walnut is so volatile that it is toxic! 

Pesky Pests – The other types of trees that you really want to avoid are those that attract pests. The Mulberry and the Ash tree are both examples of this. They are susceptible to pests and can cause pesky bugs to drop or swarm nearby. Ew! 

To conclude, if you are planting trees this season, be sure to keep these off of your list. As well, research what is appropriate for your shade and beauty needs. We love trees because they're amazing! That said, we've shared with you some bad trees that there are particularly difficult trees.

Keep these tips in your mind and get to your happy planting!