Tree Talks

Watering Your Kansas City Trees

Written by Marketing Dispensary KC | Jul 21, 2018 8:49:00 PM

Watering Your Kansas City Trees


Watering Your Kansas City Trees

Watering can sometimes be a tricky thing to gauge during our wild, and up and down seasons.

Watering your trees ends up being a guessing game for most of us and often times we spend more money on water then we’d like and waste more resources than we want. To help be a master of the watering game below are a few tips to help conserve your resources and keep your plants healthy and beautiful.

Watering times – when watering your plants, trees, and shrubs it is best to water them during the early morning and dusk hours.  By watering during the cooler hours of the day you allow more water to reach the plants and trees. When watering in peak daytime hours the heat and direct sun can be quite harsh and severe causing quick evaporation and water loss.

Watering frequency – How often you should water is one place where most property owners go wrong with their tree and plant care. You may be like most and think that frequent watering is best. Wrong. It is actually best to have one heavy watering a week as opposed to several light watering's throughout the week. One good saturation a week encourages roots to grow strong and deep.  Think of it almost like a weekly rain. A good heavy weekly rain can be a very good thing for your growing plants and beyond that, it doesn’t need much more.

Watering Source – when it comes to watering, just like your news, please consider the source. A lot of property owners use those fun sprinklers we all loved as a kid.  While they may be great running through with your friends it doesn’t provide a lot of direct watering to one area. For long-term tree and plant care, it is best to use a watering source that keeps the water close and concentrated in the area you are hoping to maintain.

Watering in the Midwest no doubt can be a tricky game to play, but if you follow these tips you can be the winner in the end.