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Don't Just Wafter Your Flowers, Water Your Trees Too

Written by Cartwright on July 21, 2014 . Posted in Tree Healthcare

You water your flowerbeds, your vegetable gardens, and your lawn, but do you ever think to water your trees? Generally, larger, more mature trees have deeper, stronger root systems which can withstand many environmental stresses, but eventually a lack of water will cause a tree to die.

Water Your Trees Source: Flickr

Losing a towering mature tree can be expensive to remove, increase your home's heating and cooling costs, and also possibly even lower property values. While it's true additional watering will add to your water bill, overall it's cheaper than all the above costs you could incur by not watering.

Always water either early in the morning or late in the evening. Studies have determined over 50 percent of moisture can be lost through evaporation by watering when it's extremely hot. It's important to water thoroughly but slowly. The water needs to penetrate completely down throughout the entire root system.

Mulching is also a great way to slow water loss. Two to three inches of mulch spread near but not touching the base of the tree will help hold moisture in and prevent water runoff.

For the best in tree maintenance in Kansas City and tips on watering your trees, please contact Cartwright Tree Care for assistance.

Tags: Tree Healthcare