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Trees That Don't Do Well in Urban Environments

Written by cartwrighttreecare on May 29, 2013 . Posted in Tree Healthcare, Tree Maintenance

tree maintenance Image via Flickr

It would seem that adding a tree to any urban environment would make the area more interesting and healthier. While this fact is generally true, there are definitely some trees that you do not want to include in your plans. Here are a few examples:

  • Weeping Willow – These trees, while beautiful, require an enormous growing area, a lot of water, and are fairly brittle in storms; two good reasons to avoid it in the city.
  • Cottonwood – Plagued with an unpleasant smell and a shallow root system, these trees invade your home in more ways than one.
  • Norway Maple – Another tree with a shallow roots system that damages foundations and driveways, this species of maple is also under serious attack by a fungi that badly mars its leaves.
  • Ash – This tree was planted in great numbers in the past but a new pest is quickly destroying the majority of these plants. Don’t ask for trouble and avoid planting this tree.

For more information on trees that don't do well in urban environments or if you need some expert tree care in the Kansas city area, contact us at Cartwright Tree Care by calling 816-965-6758.

Tags: Tree Healthcare, Tree Maintenance