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What is Apple Scab... and How Do You Treat It?

Written by vkinney on March 08, 2011 . Posted in Tree Healthcare, Featured

Apple scab is a common disease among trees here in the Kansas City area. It is one of the most destructive diseases affecting apples all around the world and is the most destructive fungal diseases affecting home apple planting, according to Weekend Gardener. When this disease is left untreated, it can leave green, black, or brown spots on the leaves of the trees and on the fruit of the tree, too. Additionally, apple scab can “defoliate susceptible varieties in mid-season,” weakening the tree, reducing the fruit yield, and blemishing the fruit so badly that it is only fit for use in ciders. The plants most commonly affected by apple scab are apple, crabapple, hawthorn, and pear trees.

Fortunately, apple scab can be controlled quite easily. Weekend Gardener suggests to space trees for adequate air circulation when planting, since apple scab is an air borne tree disease. You should also prune your trees to increase air circulation, as apple scab is common in cool, humid areas prone to rainy seasons. However, the best way to prevent apple scab, or control an existing case, is to apply a preventative spray, and Cartwright Tree Care is here to help! Contact us today to learn how we can help treat apple scab, as well as other common tree diseases.

Photo credit: Cornell University Cooperative Extension Wyoming County.

Tags: Tree Healthcare, Featured