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Don’t Forget - We Offer Tree Preservation and Consulting Services

Written by vkinney on February 02, 2012 . Posted in Tree Maintenance

In today’s climate of clear cutting an area whether for construction of homes, roads or a business center most people don’t take the time to stop and think what an important role trees have in our everyday life.

Trees bring natural elements and wildlife habitats into urban settings. There is nothing more calming that enjoying that first cup of coffee sitting on the back porch listening to the birds beginning to stir in the surrounding trees. Many ancient trees serve as historic landmarks and are actively protected against development and disease. Combine the social aspects along with how trees contribute to the environment by improving air quality, providing oxygen and conserving water and it’s obvious why tree preservation is vitally important.

Allowing Cartwright Tree Care to create a site plan for any type of infrastructure changes lessens the impact on processes that can have an adverse effect on the surrounding trees. Pre- and post- construction plans can control soil compaction, root loss and root damage.

Cartwright Tree Care offers consulting services for construction tree preservation, hazardous tree evaluations and tree worth questions. Please call 816-965-6758 today for more information.

Photo: Drone tested for agricultural use | Ubergizmo

Tags: Tree Maintenance