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Be Prepared for Storm Damage to Your Trees

Written by Cartwright on February 06, 2015 . Posted in Tree Maintenance

While having trees on your property is a great way to boost curb appeal, you have to remember that you are responsible for maintaining your trees as well. This means making sure that you are prepared for potential storm damage.

storm damage Source: Flickr

You can’t always prevent damage from occurring to your trees during a storm, but you can take preventative measures to help limit the amount of damage that is done. For example, you can have a certified arborist train your young trees in order to improve their form, thereby giving them a better chance to withstand harsh elements. You should also be on the lookout for dead or weak branches. These will not withstand harsh elements and could break off, causing further damage to the tree or to your property. In fact, you should have the trees on your property inspected for defects or weaknesses so that you can properly manage them in order to nurture the tree back to full strength.

These are just some of the preventative measures you can take in order to help limit storm damage. Be sure to contact us at Cartwright Tree Care if you are in need of Kansas City area tree care.

Tags: Tree Maintenance