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The Importance of Watering Your Kansas City Trees

Written by vkinney on November 03, 2011 . Posted in Tree Maintenance


Image: dan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As we briefly mentioned last week, watering your trees is an important part of caring for your kansas city trees throughout the fall and winter. In the fall and winter, it is easy to be fooled into thinking your trees are receiving adequate amounts of moisture, according to Trees for You, due to foggy mornings, heavy frosts, and cloudy skies, which offer that false impression of soil moisture. On the contrary, the drier air and lower levels of precipitation can actually lead to drought stress during these seasons.

Additionally, it is much more difficult to spot fall and winter drought in trees than it is to spot summer drought. Usually, you won’t be able to see those signs until the next year when a tree isn’t thriving as it should, Trees for You suggests. A tree suffering from fall or winter drought is also very susceptible to certain diseases and insect infestations.

The way to avoid such problems is to make sure that your trees receive adequate amounts of water during the fall. It only takes a little bit of effort and will help keep your trees healthy, beautiful, and full of life all year long.

Do you have a question about fall and winter tree care and maintenance? If so, contact the professionals at Cartwright Tree Care! We would be happy to assist you with your tree care needs!


Get your FREE Estimate Here! 

Tags: Tree Maintenance