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Tips for Dealing With Storm Damaged Trees

Written by vkinney on January 25, 2012 . Posted in Featured, Emergency Storm Work

With stormy weather recently affecting nearby states such as Arkansas, we thought it would be an appropriate time to remind all of our readers of how to deal with storm damaged trees. The following tips come from the Missouri Department of Conservation’s online pamphlet “Tree Care After Storms.”

Safety should always come first – Storms often cause trees to become entangled with utility lines. Always assume that lines are live – don’t go near them or touch them. Let your electrical company know of the situation so they can send trained professionals to deal with the downed power lines.

If there is no danger present from utility lines, it is time to start cleaning up around your property. Debris on the ground can be cleaned up by homeowners, but any debris that could cause damage or has caused damage to your home should be taken care of by professional tree care experts. Tree care professionals can aid you in assessing the damage to your trees, determine whether or not a tree must be removed, and suggest maintenance and care strategies for trees that don’t need to come down.

And in the even that a storm of any kind causes damage to your trees, Cartwright Tree Care is here to help with our “We Care” attitude, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our emergency response team has been together for over 10 years and is ready to assist you in the event of stormy weather. Be sure to keep our number close at hand – 816-965-6758!

Image from Cartwright Tree Care Facebook Page

Tags: Featured, Emergency Storm Work