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Best Ice Melt for Trees | Winter Tree Care

Best Ice Melt

Winter Tree Care | Best Ice Melt for Trees

Cartwright Tree Care is most concerned with providing the highest level of service to our clients. Part of this service is providing education. As December progresses, we head further into cold and icy weather. We're going to overview a lesser known trick that you can use this winter to ensure your trees remain in best health over the snowy season. We'll share about the best ice melt that you can use. Before we begin, we invite you to keep following and sharing the 'News' portion of our website. This way you can share our tips with your friends who may need them and continue to learn about how to properly care for your trees and other vital parts of your property. 

We want you to feel that you are ready for any weather conditions on the way. So, today we are going to share tips about the best ice melt for your trees. It's nice to know you've done your utmost to maintain a healthy and safe property, right? Yes, that's correct.  On a side note, we have a 'How To Videos' portion of our website. You can find information about trimming and fertilization over there.

Back to today's purpose, though. Let's discuss the proper way to make sure that your trees are in good condition amidst any use of chemicals to rid ice on your property. Many rock salts contain sodium chloride. This chemical is highly detrimental to your trees, though. It can harm them by making it impossible for the roots to absorb water. Moreover, it also makes it very difficult for them to absorb any oxygen or any other necessary nutrients. So, please make sure that you use a melting agent that does NOT have this harsh chemical. You'll be glad you did. We promise. 

You ask, "What am I to do if I don't use my regular rock salt?" Rest assured because Cartwright Tree Care has you covered with some helpful tips about the best ice melt. You can find melting agents that have chemical properties including calcium, potassium, or magnesium chloride. All of these are significantly less harmful to your trees than the aforementioned sodium chloride. 

It's a win-win for everybody. You'll still melt the ice on your property that could produce any hazardous conditions. However, instead of the harm that your trees have had to sustain in previous winters, you'll be giving them a chance to breathe, quite literally. Now you can have a safe property and a strong plot of trees because you know how to use the best ice melt available. 

If you would like to hear more or have questions about winterizing your trees, please go to our website, www.cartwrighttree.com and click on the 'Contact Us' tab. We are always grateful to hear from you and thoroughly enjoy serving our customers. Thank you! 

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Tags: winter, winter tree care, kansas city winter landscape, winter tree care in kansas city