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Cicada Season is Coming Again Soon

Written by Cartwright on June 19, 2015 . Posted in Featured, News and events

cicadaIf you've got any trees on or nearby your property that are 13 years or older, then there's a good chance you'll be hearing the sound of cicadas very soon. This is because, according to the Department of Conservation, a 17-year- and 13-year-brood of cicadas are set to emerge in Missouri this year.

Periodical cicadas will go underground when they are the size of ants. They do this near trees, where they can subsist on the tree roots' sap. After either 13 or 17 years (depending on the breed), they'll emerge from the ground the size of large bumblebees. This is actually an evolutionary survival technique. By disappearing for this large amount of time, predators won't be ready to hunt them when they emerge. In fact, there will be so many of them that there's no way predators will be able to eat them all. While no one knows how many are set to emerge this cicada season, odds are they will come from areas where the trees are at least 17 years old.

Get ready to hear the sound of cicadas in your trees this summer!  Contact Cartwright Tree Care for Kansas City area tree care today, and share your cicada pictures with us on Facebook!

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Image Source: Pixabay

Tags: Featured, News and events