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How You Can Help Fight the Ash Borer

Written by cartwrighttreecare on July 24, 2015 . Posted in Tree Healthcare, Tree Maintenance, Featured

beetle_damageOne of the biggest issues that trees in Kansas City have had to deal with over the last few years is the Ash Borer. There are roughly 20,000 public ash trees trees and 400,000 private ash trees in Kansas City, which means an enormous amount of trees are being negatively affected by the Ash Borer, which is a type of beetle that is attracted to ash trees.

Over the last few years, the city has had to remove roughly a 1,000 ash trees a year due to Ash Borer infestations. Infestations spread quickly, which means that ash trees that have been affected typically need to be removed to help prevent the beetles from spreading. If caught in the early stages, the tree could be saved.

Why are your ash trees worth treating? Because they provide more than $200 in financial benefits every year, from property value to air quality. To treat your ash trees, make sure you compare the rates of several reputable tree care professionals. Here at Cartwright Tree Care, we are insured and certified in addition to experienced.

Protect your ash trees form the Ash Borer by getting them treated today by contacting us at Cartwright Tree Care.

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Tags: Tree Healthcare, Tree Maintenance, Featured