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Know When It's Time for Tree Removal in Kansas City

Written by Cartwright on June 05, 2015 . Posted in Tree Healthcare, Tree Maintenance, Featured

tree_removal-1A tree can often seem like it's perfectly healthy only to fail without warning, thereby leaving you with the responsibility - and cost - of having to clean up the mess. It's why you should figure out which of your property's trees are at risk so that you can prevent this from happening.

A tree that is at risk is identified by visible factors. These factors include trees that suffer from decay, cracks, peeling bark, gaping wounds and dead or dangling limbs. These trees are generally considered dangerous and unstable. The problem is that while these factors can easily be noticed if you look for them, at risk trees can suffer from internal defects as well that are invisible to the eye. Because of this, you'll want to hire a professional to come do a thorough risk assessment of your property's trees. A tree care specialist will carefully inspect all of your trees by examining the roots, trunks and crowns as well as extracting samples for analysis. The specialist will then provide you with recommendations, whether its treating a tree or removing it.

Identify at risk trees and contact us at Cartwright Tree Care if you need tree removal in Kansas City.

Image Source: ©iStockphoto.com/Photographer1773

Tags: Tree Healthcare, Tree Maintenance, Featured