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Prepping Your Trees for an Ice Storm: Part Two

Written by Sunny Waseem on December 04, 2012 . Posted in Featured, Emergency Storm Work

Image via worldweatherpost.com

In our last post we discussed on how tree damage from winter storms, to some extent, can be preventable. Well now we give you those insights.

Here are some great tips on how to best prevent against trees falling in ice storms:

  • Allow your trees to get adjusted to wind environment when it's an infant tree by staking it loosely and letting the stem sway in the breeze. This makes the tree more wind firmness, or the strength.
  • Prune your tree to try and make the crown symmetrical. Just like all things, creating balance will also decrease excessive pressure on one side, making it less susceptible to snapping.
  • Do not over fertilize your tree, but keep pests at bay. This keeps your tree strong and healthy.
  • Most importantly, be careful during ice storms. Like we said, there's very little control any of us have over nature. So prepare your home by making sure no large or oversized branch hang over your home or property.

And if a tree does come tumbling, have it removed safely and as quickly as possible by calling Cartwright Tree Care.

Tags: Featured, Emergency Storm Work