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Best 3 Tips to Prepare your Trees for Spring in Kansas City

Written by DizzyD on September 12, 2016 . Posted in Tree Maintenance


Now that the holidays are over, the ice and snow has melted, and we made it through winter safe, sound and still standing! Put a check next to winter tree care and take this time to pat yourself on the back for taking action and preparing your trees for winter!  

But, there is still work to be done in order to help your trees remain strong through the rest of winter and to prepare for proper spring growth. Follow these 3 simple tips below for healthy, happy and safe trees through out the Spring Season in Kansas City. 

Are your trees ready for this Spring season?  Contact Cartwright Tree Care to request your free consultation.  

 Download the Cartwright Tree Care Spring Checklist



Take a moment to really inspect your trees from the top to the bottom.  Especially looking for any damage from snow or ice.  Look for small holes, decay and dead twigs and branches.  You should also look for disease and insect that may have festered, this may call for Spring treatment so it is good to catch it as early as possible.  


Maintain a very good upkeep on your trees throughout the entire year instead of only focusing on certain seasons.  Well maintained, strong, healthy trees always do better than the weak, damaged and un-managed ones.  If you have not had your trees pruned yet call your local arborist for a free assessment. 


Apply a good Spring Fertilizer.  This should be applied before we enter our peak growing season in early spring.  It replaces the nutrients and helps protect the trees due to disease, insects and stress! 


Get your FREE Yearly Assessment Here! 


Tags: Tree Maintenance