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Story of the old Oak Tree

Written by Blog Dispensary KC on June 28, 2017 .



Once upon a time, there was an old Oak tree that lived in the most majestic backyard you have ever seen. He lived there long before a home was built and he watched as many families moved in and out. Some of those families took really good care of the old Oak tree and some did not.

After about 150 years of growth, that old Oak tree reached the end of his life cycle and decided it was time to go.

Luckily, the family of the old Oak tree realized the trees decline. They immediately got to work searching high and low for a reputable, fair and available Kansas City tree care company to remove their massive old friend from their backyard, before he posed a threat to their home.

The tree service the family choose arrived and the skilled workers climbed high in the tree with all kinds of safety equipment, chainsaws, and ropes. The ground shook as their climber dropped the large branches to the ground and the crew members chipped and raked up the manageable pieces.

Those old Oaks logs weighed more than 10,000 pounds each. Moving these beast logs is no problem, with the help from Mr. Crane who maneuvers the logs over the home onto the ground and the massive pieces of the Old Oak Tree were cut to fit into the grapple claw.

But what happens next? While what's left of the Old Oak tree gets dumped at a local site, the crew is busy trying to make the backyard look majestic again without the beautiful old Oak.

After the tree service leaves the family felt lost without their old Oak tree, so they planted a new one in its spot.

With lots of love, care, and attention their new oak tree grew to be an old Oak once again!

Do you have an old oak tree like the one mentioned above? Contact us below for an assesment of all your tree care needs. 

Get your FREE Estimate Here!