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Taking Proper Care of Your Christmas Tree

Written by Sunny Waseem on November 20, 2012 . Posted in Featured

There are a few things that are more comforting than a fresh, real Christmas tree. Frosted windows, the smell of baked goods and the beauty of your glorious tree make the holidays cozy.

But keeping your tree looking full and smelling wonderful and staying healthy can be tricky. To keep your tree at its best, follow some of these great tips:

  • Try and buy from a tree farm rather than a retailer. Trees go through a lot of stress during transportation. If you can, buy from a farm that still has them planted in the ground. They'll be fuller and stay fresh longer due to bypassing the stress of being cut and shipped.
  • Keep your trees away from heat. We don't just mean keep it away from open flames (as trees are flammable) but also keep them away from heating ducts as direct exposure to heat will suck the moisture right out of your tree.
  • Water, water, water! Get your tree in water within the first 8 hours after it's been cut. Your tree will take a lot of water, so keep that in mind when choosing your stand and placement. You'll want to water your tree every day (your tree can "drink" up to a gallon on that first day), and make sure levels never fall below the tree base. Keeping you tree watered will also keep it less-flammable.



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