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TREE OF THE WEEK - Japanese Pagoda Tree

Written by DizzyD on June 09, 2016 . Posted in Uncategorized

Japanese Pagoda Tree This ornamental tree is native to China, Korea and Vietnam. It usually grows 25 to 35 feet tall but can sometimes reach heights of up to 100 feet!  Although Spring has passed, The Japanese pagoda tree could hit its three-week bloom period any time from now until early September.

Fun Facts:

  • During the Chou Dynasty in China, it was customary to plant the Japanese pagoda tree near the tombs of high officials.
  • Our Tree of the Month is a member of the pea familyfabaceae.
  • The Japanese pagoda tree is also called the Chinese scholar tree and the honey tree.
  • Sophora japonica ‘Pendula’, known as the weeping Japanese pagoda, is a cultivar of our Tree of the Month. The weeping Japanese pagoda rarely blooms.





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