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Trimming Your Trees For Safety, Health and Beauty in Kansas City

Written by Marketing Dispensary KC on August 05, 2020 .

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At Cartwright Tree Care, most often, we prune for these three principle reasons: healthsafety, or aesthetics. 


Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is a technical approach to cutting a tree to shape it, provide clearance, or remove dead, diseased, and damaged branches.

Always begin your pruning project with a clear vision of the results you desire, make proper cuts, and know when to stop or hire a professional to help you!


When performed correctly, pruning can improve the health and appearance of a tree. Conversely, an improper pruning job can damage or kill an otherwise healthy and thriving tree. Hire a reputable company. Do your research as all tree care companies are not created equal.


Health – When a tree falls victim to an infestation, fungal infection, or dieback, the tree can sometimes be saved by pruning away the infected areas. There is no wrong time for this type of pruning, as it would put more stress on the tree to ignore and leave it. 


When performed proactively, pruning can promote and improve a tree’s health. Tree crown thinning stimulates and benefits a tree’s health by allowing more air and sunlight to reach the inner leaves and branches, just like when you get a fresh hair cut!


Safety – Crossed branches that rub up against or bump each other in the wind should be trimmed back. This will avoid scaring, or one of them knocking the other to the ground, creating a severe hazard.


Another safety hazard may be caused by dead, brittle, or broken branches haphazardly dropping from the tree. We focus on removing potentially hazardous limbs over homes and structures to eliminate damage to property and pedestrians! 


Another safety concern warranting pruning is when branches obstruct your line of sight of the sidewalk or road ahead. These limbs and branches should be trimmed back, cut off, or have the canopy be raised.


Lastly, trees that have grown too close to power lines are a hazard and significant cause of damage in storms or severe weather. These situations should be dealt with only by a professional tree service or the local power company.


Aesthetics – The look of a tree can be greatly enhanced and influenced through regular pruning.


If you have unanswered questions when it comes to your trees, the professionals at Cartwright Tree Care are here to help. Contact us today or call 816-965-6758. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and sign-up for our monthly newsletter for updates!


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