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Using Conifer Trees in Your Gardening

Written by Cartwright on March 16, 2015 . Posted in News and events

Adding trees to your landscape is not only a great way to make your property more enjoyable on a personal level, it’s also a fantastic way to improve the curb appeal of your property. That being said, there are a ton of different types of trees to choose from. We recommend planting a conifer tree or two.

conifer trees in your gardening Source: Flickr

Conifers are an excellent choice due to their general flexibility. Conifers come in all shapes and sizes, which means it’s not difficult to find a few types of conifers that are suitable for the specific needs of your landscape.

Conical conifers, such as the Norway spruce or Colorado blue spruce, emit feelings of discovery and exploration and can be used to create a focal point or to bring height to an area full of low-growing shrubs. Columnar conifers, such as Alaskan cedars, take up little square footage, making them perfect for smaller gardens and can help add emphasis to certain architectural details. Round conifers, such as the Globe spruce, are shorter and provide a rich texture and contrast to the rest of the garden.

Consider planting conifers and contact us at Cartwright Tree Care today for more information about planting trees.

Tags: News and events