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Winter's on the way... are your trees ready? (Winter 2017)

Written by vkinney on December 28, 2016 . Posted in Tree Maintenance, Featured

We can’t stress the importance of winterizing your trees enough. If you haven’t started preparing your trees for winter by now, don’t wait a day longer! While trees may appear inactive during the winter months, they continue to regulate their metabolism and only slow down some physiological activities, according to Steve Nix of Steve’s Forestry Blog.

Trees experience a decrease in photosynthesis and transpiration at the beginning of their dormant phase, but they still continue to grow roots and take in water and nutrients. However, winter creates difficulties for trees. Winter drought, snow, ice and wind can be very hard on a tree, causing significant damage if the tree isn’t properly cared for.


winter tree damage

Here are a few of Nix’s tips to help keep your trees healthy and strong throughout the winter:

  • Prune diseased and dead limbs.
  • Mulch for freeze protection.
  • Fertilize lightly and avoid using those with nitrogen.
  • Water trees during dry periods.
  • Use a dormant spray when needed.

Cartwright Tree Care will continue to bring you tips to keep your trees in shape all winter long, as well as all year long, so be sure to check our blog often for more tips and updates! Don’t forget to contact us for all of your tree care needs!

Photo credit: Creeksidecity.com.

Tags: Tree Maintenance, Featured