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Fall Tree Care in Kansas City

Written by Blog Dispensary KC on September 18, 2017 . Posted in Tree Maintenance

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Trees can be a challenge to grow in our urban environment, but we also know the great benefits and rewards that are reaped from established trees. We spend most of our time maintaining our trees in the spring and summer months, but Autumn can be a very important time of year to give special attention to your trees making sure they enter the winter months prepared. 

It's a good idea to take time in the fall, in Kansas City, while deciduous trees still have most of their leaves, to identify dead branches in need of cutting. Between the coldest part of winter and the start of spring is the best time to actually prune your trees. Fungi spreads spores at a higher rate in the fall and cuts take longer to heal as trees are entering into their dormant state. 

Proper pruning will result in vigorous new growth in the spring, but poor pruning practices can do much more harm than good. Proper pruning is a delicate art, and while you can do simple pruning yourself, pruning larger trees can be dangerous. The Arbor Day Foundation recommends that "if pruning involves working above the ground or using power equipment, it is best to hire a professional arborist." 

Nothing is more beneficial to a tree's health than proper mulching. In addition to the visual appeal, mulch helps retain moisture, insulate the soil, protect root systems, improve soil quality and inhibit weed germination and even some plant diseases. Mulch also helps protect trees against damage from lawnmowers and weedwhackers. 

When considering mulch and fertilizer, a good rule of thumb is to seek to duplicate natural conditions by adding organic matter, which contains micronutrients and living microbes and will help aerate compacted pore space. Be sure you don't apply too much mulch or let it pile up against the stems or trunks of your trees, as this may actually lead to worse soil conditions and attract pests such as harmful insects or nesting rodents. 

Some tree maintenance you can do yourself, but there are times when it’s wise to consult a professional. Annual tree risk assessments, are an excellent idea and have many preventative benefits. Tree trimming is highly dangerous and should only be performed by highly skilled tree workers for both personal safety as well as liability reasons. 

However, selecting the right company to remove your tree is a serious decision. There are no licensing laws that regulate or monitor safety practices in this industry. So be sure you do your research. Tree pruning and removal is a dangerous task that can cause significant harm if not handled correctly. Trees are a long-lived and important part of our home landscapes, so the relationship you form with your arborist is likely to be long-lived as well. 
With extra care and protection, we can continue to grow beautiful mature shade trees that will increase property values, add oxygen to our environment and beautify our urban and rural areas.

Free Tree Hazard Assessment

Tags: Tree Maintenance